Challenge Room - Trailer

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Challenge Room - Trailer

Use Hydro Kinetic abilities to control water itself and obliterate wave after wave of Malthusian enemies in the Hydrophobia Challenge Room. Raise objects and characters in a churning column of water and burn, electrocute, drown, crush, shoot, and explode your way through the horde. Chained attacks build your multiplier through 5 intense rounds of HydroEngine physics driven action, as you pursue a record score on the global leaderboards. The Hydrophobia Challenge Room is unlocked on completion of the main campaign. (Not Rated)

Challenge Room - Trailer
  • 18.08.2010
  • Dark Energy Digital, Ltd.
  • Microsoft Studios
  • Akční a dobrodružné, Střílečka
  1. Challenge Room - Trailer
    0 z 5 hvězdiček z 0 recenzí
    • 18.08.2010
    • 19,81 MB
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    Use Hydro Kinetic abilities to control water itself and obliterate wave after wave of Malthusian enemies in the Hydrophobia Challenge Room. Raise objects and characters in a churning column of water and burn, electrocute, drown, crush, shoot, and explode your way through the horde. Chained attacks build your multiplier through 5 intense rounds of HydroEngine physics driven action, as you pursue a record score on the global leaderboards. The Hydrophobia Challenge Room is unlocked on completion of the main campaign. (Not Rated)