College Daze

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Ηλικίες 18+
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College Daze

Go Greek with a set of fratboy and sorority girl outfits, and be the life of the party with not one but two classic college traditions: the beer helmet and a bra hat. Also includes Shayne's Barstool Racer.

College Daze
  • 5/2/2014
  • DS Volition
  • Deep Silver
  • Δράση & περιπέτεια
  1. College Daze
    0 αστέρια από 5 από 0 κριτικές
    • 5/2/2014
    • 27,73 MB
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    Go Greek with a set of fratboy and sorority girl outfits, and be the life of the party with not one but two classic college traditions: the beer helmet and a bra hat. Also includes Shayne's Barstool Racer.