Battle Stuff

Battle Stuff
3.5 out of 5 stars from 4712 reviews
E (Everyone)
Battle Stuff

The battle is on! Watch your favorite household items step into the ring for bare-knuckle brawls! Scan your stuff to see what kind of fighters they become, and then coach them on to victory!

Battle Stuff
  • Smoking Gun Interactive
  • Microsoft Studios
  • Kinect
  • Dolby Digital
Xbox Live


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Battle Stuff
3.75 out of 5 stars from 272 reviews
  • 11/28/2011
  • 209.89 MB
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The battle is on! Watch your favorite household items step into the ring for bare-knuckle brawls! Scan your stuff to see what kind of fighters they become, and then coach them on to victory!
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