Kengo Legend of the 9

Kengo Legend of the 9
3.5 out of 5 stars from 2452 reviews
M (Mature)
Kengo Legend of the 9

Even today, legends persist of the 9 deadly samurai whose extraordinary abilities and feats of strength remain unmatched by modern swordsmen. These Kengo Masters lived and died by the sword, carving out their place in history as courageous ancient warriors. This is the story of the legendary Kengo 9 whose destinies were inevitably intertwined…and laced with bloodshed. * Become any of 9 real samurai, including Musashi Miyamoto and Jubei Yagyu, all with unique attacks and storylines * Earn experience points in battle to upgrade your samurai’s attributes and unlock new attacks * Perform Instant Kills by using the environment to your advantage * Duel a friend in 2-player head-to-head combat

Kengo Legend of the 9
  • 1/1/2008
  • Genki
  • Action & Adventure
  • Dolby Digital
Online features
  • Leaderboards