The Orange Box

The Orange Box
4.5 out of 5 stars from 2232 reviews
Mature (MA 15+)
The Orange Box

The Orange Box is a bundle that includes five titles from Valve: Half-Life 2; Half-Life 2:Episode 1; Half-Life 2: Episode Two; Team Fortress 2, the sequel to the game that put class-based, multiplayer team warfare on the map; and Portal, the game that blends puzzles, first person action, and adventure gaming to produce an experience like no other.

The Orange Box
  • 1/01/2008
  • Valve Software
  • Valve
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter, Puzzle & Trivia
  • System Link 1 - 2
  • Dolby Digital
Online Features
  • Online multiplayer 2 - 16
  • Leaderboards
Xbox Live


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All Game Videos

1 - 6 of 6
Meet the Sniper (Team Fortress® 2) (HD)
4.5 out of 5 stars from 56 reviews
  • 26/08/2008
  • 59.61 MB
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Meet the Sniper, one of nine playable character classes in Team Fortress® 2 (TF2). The online multiplayer game from Valve is part of The Orange Box, which also features Half-Life® 2: Episode Two and Portal™. (Not Rated)
Meet the Demoman Trailer (HD)
4.75 out of 5 stars from 30 reviews
  • 9/11/2007
  • 72.89 MB
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Meet the Demoman, one of nine playable character classes in Team Fortress 2. A fierce temper, a fascination with all things explosive, and a terrible plan to kill the Loch Ness Monster cost the six year old Demoman his original set of adoptive parents. Later, back at the Crypt Grammar School for Orphans near Ullapool in the Scottish Highlands, the boy’s bomb-making skills improved dramatically. His disposition and total number of intact eyeballs, however, did not. Team Fortress 2 is part of the Orange Box, which also features Half-Life® 2: Episode 2 and Portal, as well as Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One. (Not Rated)
Meet the Heavy Trailer (HD)
4.75 out of 5 stars from 28 reviews
  • 9/11/2007
  • 57.04 MB
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Meet the Heavy, one of nine playable character classes in Team Fortress 2. Like a hibernating bear, the Heavy appears to be a gentle giant. Also like a bear, confusing his deliberate, sleepy demeanor with gentleness will get you ripped limb from limb. Though he speaks simply and moves with an economy of energy that’s often confused with napping, the Heavy isn’t dumb, he’s not your big friend, and he generally wishes you’d just shut up before he has to make you shut up. (Not Rated)
Meet the Engineer Trailer
4.25 out of 5 stars from 35 reviews
  • 12/09/2007
  • 60.75 MB
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Meet the Engineer, one of nine playable character classes in Team Fortress 2. This amiable, soft-spoken good ol’ boy from tiny Bee Cave, Texas loves barbeque, guns, and higher education. Natural curiosity, ten years as a roughneck in the west Texas oilfields, and eleven hard science PhDs have trained him to design, build and repair a variety of deadly contraptions. (Not Rated)
Meet the Soldier (Team Fortress® 2) Trailer
4.75 out of 5 stars from 37 reviews
  • 24/08/2007
  • 56.92 MB
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Meet the Soldier, one of nine playable character classes in Team Fortress® 2 (TF2). The online multiplayer game from Valve is part of The Orange Box, which also features Half-Life® 2: Episode Two and Portal™. (Not Rated)
The Orange Box - E3 2007 Trailer (HD)
4.5 out of 5 stars from 28 reviews
  • 18/07/2007
  • 81.42 MB
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The Orange Box delivers five innovative games from Valve®– creators of the blockbuster Half Life® franchise. The Orange Box includes Half Life® 2: Episode Two, Portal™ and Team Fortress® 2 in addition to Half Life 2 and Half Life 2: Episode One. Half Life 2: Episode Two delivers the second chapter in Valve’s award-winning episodic trilogy. Portal delivers a groundbreaking action game that will change the way gamers interact with their environment, much like Half Life 2’s gravity gun rewrote the rules for how gamers manipulate in-game objects. Team Fortress 2 is the long-awaited return of the legendary role-based online multiplayer game. It pushes the Source Engine with a daring new art style and deep gameplay for nine distinct roles. (Not Rated)
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