Crysis 2 - Be Invisible

0/5 tähteä 0 arvion perusteella
Yli 16-vuotiaille
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  1. 4/5 tähteä 1963 arvion perusteella


Crysis 2 - Be Invisible

Enhanced strength and speed are necessary improvements, but it's the Nanosuit's invisibility that will give gamers the true advantage. Fight to save NYC and the world from an all-out alien invasion by slipping into the shadows and using stealth to surprise, confuse and eliminate your opponents.

Crysis 2 - Be Invisible
  • 29.3.2011
  • Crytek
  • Electronic Arts
  • Räiskintä, Klassikot
  1. Crysis 2 - Be Invisible
    0/5 tähteä 0 arvion perusteella
    • 29.3.2011
    • 96,64 MB
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    Enhanced strength and speed are necessary improvements, but it's the Nanosuit's invisibility that will give gamers the true advantage. Fight to save NYC and the world from an all-out alien invasion by slipping into the shadows and using stealth to surprise, confuse and eliminate your opponents.