
4/5 tähteä 114 arvion perusteella
Yli 18-vuotiaille

Games on Demand -versio tukee seuraavia kieliä: englanti, ranska, italia, espanja. Strange and alarming activities have recently been detected at a top-secret Russian military research base on a remote island off the coast of Siberia. Fearing another Chernobyl disaster, your job as a U.S. Special Forces Operative, is to learn the truth behind the island of Katorga-12, the site of Soviet experimentation in the 1950’s that led to a catastrophic SINGULARITY, an event that fractured time itself. You’ll soon discover this island is at the center of a massive Russian cover-up that threatens the world as we know it. Armed with powerful advanced weapons from the island and the experimental Time Manipulation Device, you’ll fight enemies from the past, the future, and abominations caught somewhere between time and reality. Fight the past to save the future, and Stop the SINGULARITY.

  • 3.4.2012
  • Raven Software
  • Activision
  • Toiminta ja seikkailu, Räiskintä
  • Dolby Digital
  • Online-moninpeli 2 - 12
  • Ladattavat sisällöt
  • Tulostaulukot
  • Äänikeskustelu
Xbox Live


Hanki täältä ja pelaa.

Osta Xbox-sisältöä Xbox 360 -konsolisi lataa sisällön automaattisesti, kun kytket siihen virran seuraavan kerran ja muodostat Xbox Live -yhteyden.


Kaikki Lataukset

4/5 tähteä 114 arvion perusteella
  • 3.4.2012
  • 6,33 GB
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Games on Demand -versio tukee seuraavia kieliä: englanti, ranska, italia, espanja. Strange and alarming activities have recently been detected at a top-secret Russian military research base on a remote island off the coast of Siberia. Fearing another Chernobyl disaster, your job as a U.S. Special Forces Operative, is to learn the truth behind the island of Katorga-12, the site of Soviet experimentation in the 1950’s that led to a catastrophic SINGULARITY, an event that fractured time itself. You’ll soon discover this island is at the center of a massive Russian cover-up that threatens the world as we know it. Armed with powerful advanced weapons from the island and the experimental Time Manipulation Device, you’ll fight enemies from the past, the future, and abominations caught somewhere between time and reality. Fight the past to save the future, and Stop the SINGULARITY.
Cause and Affect - Traileri (HD)
0/5 tähteä 0 arvion perusteella
  • 15.6.2010
  • 97,01 MB
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Katso Singularity-pelin uusi "Cause and Affect" -traileri! (Englanti, ei arvioitu)
Singularity-pelin "Last Resort" -traileri (HD)
0/5 tähteä 0 arvion perusteella
  • 7.5.2010
  • 82,54 MB
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Joskus tulevalisuuden voi pelastaa vain taistelemalla menneisyyttä vastaan, pysäytä SINGULARITY! Lataa tämä traileri. (Englanti, ei arvioitu)