

Langue(s) prise(s) en charge par la version Jeux à la demande : anglais. Explore the pleasures and horrors of love as Vincent, a man with a hard choice to make: marry his longtime girlfriend Katherine or move on to the incredible blonde he just woke up next to—named Catherine! But beware! Make the wrong choice, and you could end up dead. Delving into themes of free will, and the delicate nature of relationships and the choices we make within them, this action-adventure/puzzle game is an experience wholly unlike any to come before it.

  • 2012-04-24
  • Atlus
  • Atlus
  • Action et Aventure, Stratégie et simulation, Puzzle et quiz
  • Co-op en ligne 2
  • Dolby Digital
Fonctionnalités en ligne
  • Classements
Xbox Live


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Tous les Jeux

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4 sur 5 étoiles pour 2159 critiques
  • 2012-04-24
  • 5,26 GB
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Langue(s) prise(s) en charge par la version Jeux à la demande : anglais. Explore the pleasures and horrors of love as Vincent, a man with a hard choice to make: marry his longtime girlfriend Katherine or move on to the incredible blonde he just woke up next to—named Catherine! But beware! Make the wrong choice, and you could end up dead. Delving into themes of free will, and the delicate nature of relationships and the choices we make within them, this action-adventure/puzzle game is an experience wholly unlike any to come before it.
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