ANARCHY REIGNS - Bayonetta Pack

5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
16 év fölött
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  1. 5-ből 3,5 csillag, 10 vélemény alapján

    2013. 08. 20.

ANARCHY REIGNS - Bayonetta Pack

This exclusive Bayonetta pack brings the most infamous female fighter to the close combat brawler that is ANARCHY REIGNS. With her flair, kick-ass combos, torture attacks and multiple killer weapons, Bayonetta is a fantastic addition to the ANARCHY REIGNS online multiplayer experience. The Bayonetta pack contains: Bayonetta as a playable character in all the ANARCHY REIGNS online multiplayer modes.

ANARCHY REIGNS - Bayonetta Pack
  • 2013. 04. 10.
  • PlatinumGames
  • SEGA
  • Akció és kaland
  1. ANARCHY REIGNS - Bayonetta Pack
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2013. 04. 10.
    • 3,34 MB
    Másold ezt a hivatkozást, és illeszd be egy e-mailbe vagy egy csevegőüzenetbe:
    This exclusive Bayonetta pack brings the most infamous female fighter to the close combat brawler that is ANARCHY REIGNS. With her flair, kick-ass combos, torture attacks and multiple killer weapons, Bayonetta is a fantastic addition to the ANARCHY REIGNS online multiplayer experience. The Bayonetta pack contains: Bayonetta as a playable character in all the ANARCHY REIGNS online multiplayer modes.