ANARCHY REIGNS - Exclusive Modes Pack

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    2013. 08. 20.

ANARCHY REIGNS - Exclusive Modes Pack

The ANARCHY REIGNS exclusive modes pack gives players access to two exclusive online multiplayer modes. The modes offer a different gameplay experience to that available in the standard edition of ANARCHY REIGNS. The modes pack contains: MAD SURVIVAL – In this co-op mode, team up with other players online to battle against a wave of playable characters. DOG FIGHT – This exclusive mode offers a completely different way to experience ANARCHY REIGNS. Hanging off armoured helicopters, engage in aerial battles against other online players.

ANARCHY REIGNS - Exclusive Modes Pack
  • 2013. 04. 10.
  • PlatinumGames
  • SEGA
  • Akció és kaland
  1. ANARCHY REIGNS - Exclusive Modes Pack
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2013. 04. 10.
    • 748 KB
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    The ANARCHY REIGNS exclusive modes pack gives players access to two exclusive online multiplayer modes. The modes offer a different gameplay experience to that available in the standard edition of ANARCHY REIGNS. The modes pack contains: MAD SURVIVAL – In this co-op mode, team up with other players online to battle against a wave of playable characters. DOG FIGHT – This exclusive mode offers a completely different way to experience ANARCHY REIGNS. Hanging off armoured helicopters, engage in aerial battles against other online players.