Mark of the Ninja

5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
16 év fölött
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  1. 5-ből 4,25 csillag, 45 vélemény alapján

    2012. 09. 07.

Mark of the Ninja

A ninja is powerful yet fragile. Quick but deliberate. Mark of the Ninja is a stealth platformer that puts you in control of a Ninja who's clan is in danger of extinction. Observe your enemies from the darkness, manipulate them with simple yet versatile tools, and experience what it is to be a Ninja. From the award-winning studio that brought you Shank, Mark of the Ninja is a game about finesse, manipulation, and sacrifice.

Mark of the Ninja
  • 2012. 10. 25.
  • Klei
  • Microsoft Studios
  • Egyéb
  1. Mark of the Ninja
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2012. 10. 25.
    • 44 KB
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    A ninja is powerful yet fragile. Quick but deliberate. Mark of the Ninja is a stealth platformer that puts you in control of a Ninja who's clan is in danger of extinction. Observe your enemies from the darkness, manipulate them with simple yet versatile tools, and experience what it is to be a Ninja. From the award-winning studio that brought you Shank, Mark of the Ninja is a game about finesse, manipulation, and sacrifice.
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