Dead Space 3 Awakened Trailer

5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
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  1. 5-ből 4 csillag, 347 vélemény alapján

    2017. 04. 27.

Dead Space 3 Awakened Trailer

Left for dead on Tau Volantis, Isaac Clarke and John Carver face a daunting journey. As madness takes hold, they find they can’t trust their eyes or each other. The trek leads to the ship Terra Nova, now home to a sadistic cult of Unitologists.  The horror continues as the Dead Space saga enters its darkest chapter.

Dead Space 3 Awakened Trailer
  • 2013. 03. 07.
  • Akció és kaland, Kinect
  1. Dead Space 3 Awakened Trailer
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2013. 03. 07.
    • 48,20 MB
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    Left for dead on Tau Volantis, Isaac Clarke and John Carver face a daunting journey. As madness takes hold, they find they can’t trust their eyes or each other. The trek leads to the ship Terra Nova, now home to a sadistic cult of Unitologists.  The horror continues as the Dead Space saga enters its darkest chapter.