Life Is Strange Episode 4

5-ből 4 csillag, 17 vélemény alapján
16 év fölött
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  1. 5-ből 4,5 csillag, 108 vélemény alapján

    2015. 01. 30.

Life Is Strange Episode 4

Max realises that changing the past can lead to painful consequences and that time is not a great healer. Her investigation into the disappearance of Rachel Amber begins to reach a thrilling conclusion as she finds the Dark Room. Will the answers lie within? Or will there just be trouble? Life Is Strange: Dark Room is part Four of a five part series that sets out to revolutionise story based choice and consequence games. Features - A beautifully written modern adventure game - Rewind time to change the course of events - Multiple endings depending on the choices you make - Striking, hand-painted visuals - Distinct, licensed indie soundtrack

Life Is Strange Episode 4
  • 2015. 07. 28.
  • Square Enix
  • Egyéb, Akció és kaland
  1. Life Is Strange Episode 4
    5-ből 4 csillag, 17 vélemény alapján
    • 2015. 07. 28.
    • 1,62 GB
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    Max realises that changing the past can lead to painful consequences and that time is not a great healer. Her investigation into the disappearance of Rachel Amber begins to reach a thrilling conclusion as she finds the Dark Room. Will the answers lie within? Or will there just be trouble? Life Is Strange: Dark Room is part Four of a five part series that sets out to revolutionise story based choice and consequence games. Features - A beautifully written modern adventure game - Rewind time to change the course of events - Multiple endings depending on the choices you make - Striking, hand-painted visuals - Distinct, licensed indie soundtrack