Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate

Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate
0 件のレビューで、星 5 個中 0 個
¥2,000 (税抜)
CERO D - 17 才以上対象

* 実際の購入価格は、販売店にお問い合わせください。

Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate

In 1997, the original Dead or Alive was released on the now classic SEGA Saturn, pushing its processing power to the absolute limits. The original Dead or Alive has long been considered one of the greatest masterpieces in the series, but it was never released in the North American Territory. Now, the graphics of the SEGA Saturn version, beautifully crafted by Tecmo’s Team Ninja to be the most advanced at that time, make their first appearance on the Xbox—perfectly rendered, of course.

Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate
  • 2021/11/10
  • Team Ninja
  • Tecmo
  • 格闘, 懐かしのゲーム
  • オフライン プレイヤー 1 - 4
  • Dolby Digital
Xbox Live



Xbox のコンテンツを からご購入いただけます。コンテンツは、ご購入後に Xbox 360 本体から Xbox Live にサインインすると、自動的にダウンロードされます。


すべての ゲーム

1 - 1 / 1
Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate
0 件のレビューで、星 5 個中 0 個
  • 2021/11/10
  • 4.53 GB
次のリンクをメールやインスタント メッセージに貼って、友達に紹介しましょう:
In 1997, the original Dead or Alive was released on the now classic SEGA Saturn, pushing its processing power to the absolute limits. The original Dead or Alive has long been considered one of the greatest masterpieces in the series, but it was never released in the North American Territory. Now, the graphics of the SEGA Saturn version, beautifully crafted by Tecmo’s Team Ninja to be the most advanced at that time, make their first appearance on the Xbox—perfectly rendered, of course.

* 配信価格 (税込)

Xbox 360 にダウンロード
1 - 1 / 1