Battlefield 3™ Launch Trailer

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Battlefield 3™ Launch Trailer

Winning over 60 industry awards, Battlefield 3 is out next week. Our launch trailer gives you a preview of the intense single player campaign. A sinister power is rising in the Middle-East, and Marine Sergeant “Black” discovers how far he would go to defend his country.

Battlefield 3™ Launch Trailer
  • 2011-10-25
  • DICE
  • Electronic Arts
  • 슈팅
  1. Battlefield 3™ Launch Trailer
    리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
    • 2011-10-25
    • 79.45 MB
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    Winning over 60 industry awards, Battlefield 3 is out next week. Our launch trailer gives you a preview of the intense single player campaign. A sinister power is rising in the Middle-East, and Marine Sergeant “Black” discovers how far he would go to defend his country.