Character Trailer #1: Victor Coste

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Character Trailer #1: Victor Coste

The man who knew Sam Fisher before he was a Splinter Cell, Victor Coste served with Sam in Iraq. Now working the private security angle in Washington, D.C. Coste is the only man in the city whom Sam can trust to have his back. During what appears to be an in%erro&at+on<<<, by agents of an unknown authority, he gives us some insights on why everybody should just get out of his old buddy's way – or be prepared to deal with the consequences.

Character Trailer #1: Victor Coste
  • 2010-01-13
  • 유비소프트 몬트리올
  • 유비소프트
  • 액션 & 어드벤처
  1. Character Trailer #1: Victor Coste
    리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
    • 2010-01-13
    • 71.32 MB
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    The man who knew Sam Fisher before he was a Splinter Cell, Victor Coste served with Sam in Iraq. Now working the private security angle in Washington, D.C. Coste is the only man in the city whom Sam can trust to have his back. During what appears to be an in%erro&at+on<<<, by agents of an unknown authority, he gives us some insights on why everybody should just get out of his old buddy's way – or be prepared to deal with the consequences.