Kasumi - Stolen Memory Trailer

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Kasumi - Stolen Memory Trailer

Cerberus has procured the service of Kasumi Goto, the galaxy’s most enigmatic master thief. In return for her help, Kasumi has asked Shepard’s help on a dangerous heist to infiltrate the vault of a deadly master criminal named Donovan Hock. Gain Kasumi’s loyalty on the planet Bekenstein, where Hock is throwing a party for the galaxy’s richest and most deranged criminal minds to recover data of great importance to Kasumi... and to the galaxy at large. New squad member, weapon, research, and achievement. (영어, 등급 미정)

Kasumi - Stolen Memory Trailer
  • 2010-04-05
  • 롤 플레잉
  1. Kasumi - Stolen Memory Trailer
    리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
    • 2010-04-05
    • 57.95 MB
    이 링크를 전자 메일이나 인스턴트 메시지에 복사하여 붙여넣기:
    Cerberus has procured the service of Kasumi Goto, the galaxy’s most enigmatic master thief. In return for her help, Kasumi has asked Shepard’s help on a dangerous heist to infiltrate the vault of a deadly master criminal named Donovan Hock. Gain Kasumi’s loyalty on the planet Bekenstein, where Hock is throwing a party for the galaxy’s richest and most deranged criminal minds to recover data of great importance to Kasumi... and to the galaxy at large. New squad member, weapon, research, and achievement. (영어, 등급 미정)