Mass Effect 3 Better with Kinect Trailer

리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
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Mass Effect 3 Better with Kinect Trailer

Mass Effect 3 is better with Kinect.  Take control over the action as you issue voice commands with your Xbox 360 Kinect.  Command your squad and converse with characters with the power of the Kinect.

Mass Effect 3 Better with Kinect Trailer
  • 2012-01-30
  • 액션 & 어드벤처, 롤 플레잉, Kinect
  1. Mass Effect 3 Better with Kinect Trailer
    리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
    • 2012-01-30
    • 102.64 MB
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    Mass Effect 3 is better with Kinect.  Take control over the action as you issue voice commands with your Xbox 360 Kinect.  Command your squad and converse with characters with the power of the Kinect.