Quest No. 7

리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
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Quest No. 7

Contains the Challenge quest "The Life of a Shura".Prove that you are stronger than the Shura Generals by defeating one thousand Shuras. This contents have set sale Quest set Vol.2

Quest No. 7
  • 2013-01-24
  • 株式会社コーエーテクモゲームス
  • 액션 & 어드벤처
  1. Quest No. 7
    리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
    • 2013-01-24
    • 236 KB
    이 링크를 전자 메일이나 인스턴트 메시지에 복사하여 붙여넣기:
    Contains the Challenge quest "The Life of a Shura".Prove that you are stronger than the Shura Generals by defeating one thousand Shuras. This contents have set sale Quest set Vol.2