Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

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Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

The glorious high-definition chaos continues in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, the highly anticipated arcade action FPS sequel to the Serious Sam HD. The Second Encounter features single-play, deathmatch and cooperative play mixed with brilliantly updated visuals and classic over-the-top action from the golden age of first-person shooters. Brand new multiplayer modes include Survival, Capture the Flag, My Burden and Coin-Op Coop for up to 8 players and in over a dozen multiplayer maps make Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter a worthy successor to the original masterpiece.

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
  • 2010-10-04
  • Croteam
  • Majesco Entertainment
  • 슈팅, 고전
  1. Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
    리뷰 0개에서 별 5개 중 0개
    • 2010-10-04
    • 51.28 MB
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    The glorious high-definition chaos continues in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, the highly anticipated arcade action FPS sequel to the Serious Sam HD. The Second Encounter features single-play, deathmatch and cooperative play mixed with brilliantly updated visuals and classic over-the-top action from the golden age of first-person shooters. Brand new multiplayer modes include Survival, Capture the Flag, My Burden and Coin-Op Coop for up to 8 players and in over a dozen multiplayer maps make Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter a worthy successor to the original masterpiece.