Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise - Stabby the Knife

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Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise - Stabby the Knife

Stabby the knife is the most violent stabby, stab, stabbing knife there is on Paradise Island. It's so stabby it's unbelievable! It's the perfect weapon of choice for the Ghostfacebear Costume. Those bears can run, but they can't hide from Stabby the Knife.

Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise - Stabby the Knife
  • 28.11.2012
  • Behaviour Interactive
  • 505 Games
  • Handling og opplevelse
  1. Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise - Stabby the Knife
    0 av 5 stjerner fra 0 omtaler
    • 28.11.2012
    • 4,65 MB
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    Stabby the knife is the most violent stabby, stab, stabbing knife there is on Paradise Island. It's so stabby it's unbelievable! It's the perfect weapon of choice for the Ghostfacebear Costume. Those bears can run, but they can't hide from Stabby the Knife.