Planets Under Attack

Planets Under Attack
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Planets Under Attack

Humanity discovered a new galaxy rich with resources and wonders and it's up to you to conquer it! Guide your space fleet through the depth of space, discovering new star systems and colonizing planets. Beware, you are not alone in the universe and other races also starve for living space and are ready to fight for it. Not to mention mysterious treasures, dark secrets, treacherous rivals and Bosses! Planets Under Attack is a fast and fun strategy game, easy to understand and to control, offering dozens of hours of tactical fun. * Campaign consisting of 32 levels and multiple game modes * Epic boss battles and Incredible alien foes * Powerful techs to improve your strategies * Online and offline Multiplayer for up to 4 players * Team multiplayer * 2 playable races

Planets Under Attack
  • 14/11/2012
  • Targem Games
  • TopWare Interactive AG
  • Estratégia e Simulação
  • Jogadores offline 1 - 4
  • Dolby Digital
Funcionalidades online
  • Multijogador online 2 - 4
  • Transferências de conteúdos
  • Tabelas de Classificação
  • Chat de voz
Xbox Live


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Jogo Completo - Planets Under Attack
0 de 5 estrelas de 0 críticas
  • 14/11/2012
  • 379,32 MB
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Humanity discovered a new galaxy rich with resources and wonders and it's up to you to conquer it! Guide your space fleet through the depth of space, discovering new star systems and colonizing planets. Beware, you are not alone in the universe and other races also starve for living space and are ready to fight for it. Not to mention mysterious treasures, dark secrets, treacherous rivals and Bosses! Planets Under Attack is a fast and fun strategy game, easy to understand and to control, offering dozens of hours of tactical fun. * Campaign consisting of 32 levels and multiple game modes * Epic boss battles and Incredible alien foes * Powerful techs to improve your strategies * Online and offline Multiplayer for up to 4 players * Team multiplayer * 2 playable races
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