Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages
3,75 av 5 stjärnor från 105 recensioner
Från 12 år
Rock of Ages

A rock-solid combination of rock-rolling action, deep strategy, and captivating art and music from different ages of history, this is a game of crush or be crushed! Two castles stand opposed; one is yours, the other is your enemy’s. They're a jerk and their castle sucks, so you’re going to try to smash it using an enormous boulder. Even as they build up their defenses, you're ready to roll over them in order to raze that unsightly tower. But beware! There’s a giant boulder headed your way, too.

Rock of Ages
  • 2021-11-10
  • ACE Team
  • Action och äventyr, Plattformsspel, Strategi och simulering
  • Offlinespelare 1 - 2
  • Dolby Digital
  • Flerspelarläge online 1 - 2
  • Innehållsnedladdning
  • Rankningslistor
  • Röstchatt
Xbox Live


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Full Game - Rock of Ages
3,75 av 5 stjärnor från 105 recensioner
  • 2021-11-10
  • 561,51 MB
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A rock-solid combination of rock-rolling action, deep strategy, and captivating art and music from different ages of history, this is a game of crush or be crushed! Two castles stand opposed; one is yours, the other is your enemy’s. They're a jerk and their castle sucks, so you’re going to try to smash it using an enormous boulder. Even as they build up their defenses, you're ready to roll over them in order to raze that unsightly tower. But beware! There’s a giant boulder headed your way, too.
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