Rush’N Attack: Ex-Patriot

Rush’N Attack: Ex-Patriot
3,5 av 5 stjärnor från 105 recensioner
Från 16 år
Rush’N Attack: Ex-Patriot

Continue Sid Morrow’s mission to retrieve Gibson and uncover the dangerous secrets looming in the shadows of the Cold War. Trapped behind enemy lines and armed with little more than a knife and your hand-to-hand combat training, you must find a way to survive behind enemy lines and thwart the threat of global destruction.

Rush’N Attack: Ex-Patriot
  • 2011-03-30
  • Vatra Games
  • Konami Digital Entertainment
  • Action och äventyr, Plattformsspel
  • Dolby Digital
  • Rankningslistor
Xbox Live


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Full Game - Rush’N Attack: Ex-Patriot
3,5 av 5 stjärnor från 105 recensioner
  • 2011-03-30
  • 716,51 MB
Kopiera och klistra in den här länken i ett e-postmeddelande eller snabbmeddelande:
Continue Sid Morrow’s mission to retrieve Gibson and uncover the dangerous secrets looming in the shadows of the Cold War. Trapped behind enemy lines and armed with little more than a knife and your hand-to-hand combat training, you must find a way to survive behind enemy lines and thwart the threat of global destruction.
Trial Game - Rush’N Attack: Ex-Patriot
  • 2011-03-30
  • 716,51 MB
Kopiera och klistra in den här länken i ett e-postmeddelande eller snabbmeddelande:
Continue Sid Morrow’s mission to retrieve Gibson and uncover the dangerous secrets looming in the shadows of the Cold War. Trapped behind enemy lines and armed with little more than a knife and your hand-to-hand combat training, you must find a way to survive behind enemy lines and thwart the threat of global destruction.
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