
3,25 av 5 stjärnor från 43 recensioner
Från 7 år

Scarygirl is a wondrous adventure through a beautifully-bizarre world based on the Scarygirl graphic novel created by acclaimed artist Nathan Jurevicius. Scarygirl, an abandoned girl, dressed like a pirate, with a tentacle arm, is sent on a quest to discover what happened to the Tree of Knowledge. Along the way, she’ll be aided by a giant octopus, a mystical kung-fu rabbit, and vendors who sell new attacks. She can also enter a shadowy version of the world to unleash truly wicked attacks.

  • 2012-01-24
  • TikGames
  • Square Enix
  • Plattformsspel
  • Offlinespelare 2
  • Samarbete offline 2
  • Innehållsnedladdning
  • Rankningslistor
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Trial Game - Scarygirl
  • 2012-01-18
  • 851,37 MB
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Scarygirl is a wondrous adventure through a beautifully-bizarre world based on the Scarygirl graphic novel created by acclaimed artist Nathan Jurevicius. Scarygirl, an abandoned girl, dressed like a pirate, with a tentacle arm, is sent on a quest to discover what happened to the Tree of Knowledge. Along the way, she’ll be aided by a giant octopus, a mystical kung-fu rabbit, and vendors who sell new attacks. She can also enter a shadowy version of the world to unleash truly wicked attacks.
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