Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD

This Castlevania: Lords of Shadow sequel reveals the story of the Belmont’s, as they battle destiny across generations, to discover their true fate. Trevor Belmont, knight of the Brotherhood of Light, embarks on an epic quest to avenge his mother, killed by his father, Gabriel. Once Gabriel Belmont, now the all powerful Dracula, he declares war on the Brotherhood, leading to a cataclysmic showdown between Father & Son!

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD
  • 25/10/2013
  • Mercury Steam Entertainment
  • Konami Digital Entertainment
  • 動作與冒險
  • Dolby Digital
  • 需要硬碟
  • 排行榜
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試玩版遊戲 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD
  • 25/10/2013
  • 1.89 GB
This Castlevania: Lords of Shadow sequel reveals the story of the Belmont’s, as they battle destiny across generations, to discover their true fate. Trevor Belmont, knight of the Brotherhood of Light, embarks on an epic quest to avenge his mother, killed by his father, Gabriel. Once Gabriel Belmont, now the all powerful Dracula, he declares war on the Brotherhood, leading to a cataclysmic showdown between Father & Son!
完整版遊戲 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD
在 13 個評論中獲得 3.5/5 顆星
  • 25/10/2013
  • 1.89 GB
This Castlevania: Lords of Shadow sequel reveals the story of the Belmont’s, as they battle destiny across generations, to discover their true fate. Trevor Belmont, knight of the Brotherhood of Light, embarks on an epic quest to avenge his mother, killed by his father, Gabriel. Once Gabriel Belmont, now the all powerful Dracula, he declares war on the Brotherhood, leading to a cataclysmic showdown between Father & Son!
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