Black Knight Sword

Black Knight Sword
在 10 個評論中獲得 3.5/5 顆星
Black Knight Sword

From the twisted and brilliant mind of Suda 51 comes Black Knight Sword, a platforming adventure with an unprecedented visual style. In this fresh take on the classic fairy tale, The Black Knight treks through a dark and mysterious world filled with whimsical creatures to kill the dark princess and ending her reign of terror. A throwback to classic platformers, Black Knight Sword evokes simple yet addictive and challenging gameplay with an overall aesthetic unlike anything released to date.

Black Knight Sword
  • 2016/6/27
  • Grasshopper Manufacture
  • Nordic Games
  • 動作與冒險, 平台遊戲
  • Dolby Digital
  • 排行榜
Xbox Live



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完整版遊戲 - Black Knight Sword
在 10 個評論中獲得 3.5/5 顆星
  • 2016/6/27
  • 932.07 MB
From the twisted and brilliant mind of Suda 51 comes Black Knight Sword, a platforming adventure with an unprecedented visual style. In this fresh take on the classic fairy tale, The Black Knight treks through a dark and mysterious world filled with whimsical creatures to kill the dark princess and ending her reign of terror. A throwback to classic platformers, Black Knight Sword evokes simple yet addictive and challenging gameplay with an overall aesthetic unlike anything released to date.
試玩版遊戲 - Black Knight Sword
  • 2012/12/12
  • 932.07 MB
From the twisted and brilliant mind of Suda 51 comes Black Knight Sword, a platforming adventure with an unprecedented visual style. In this fresh take on the classic fairy tale, The Black Knight treks through a dark and mysterious world filled with whimsical creatures to kill the dark princess and ending her reign of terror. A throwback to classic platformers, Black Knight Sword evokes simple yet addictive and challenging gameplay with an overall aesthetic unlike anything released to date.
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