Rise of Nightmares

Rise of Nightmares
在 181 個評論中獲得 3.25/5 顆星
Rise of Nightmares

隨選遊戲版本支援英文、法文、義大利文、德文、捷克文 如需下載這個遊戲的手冊,請前往 http://marketplace.xbox.com 尋找該遊戲,然後選取 [請參閱遊戲手冊] 本遊戲需要搭配 Kinect™ 感應器使用。 A truly mature experience for Microsoft® Kinect. Survive one hellish night as you fight hand to hand against undead enemies and mad scientists using the hands-free controls of Microsoft Kinect. Using knives, chainsaws and your bare hands, rip your foes limb from limb while uncovering the location of your kidnapped wife.

Rise of Nightmares
  • 9/7/2013
  • SEGA
  • SEGA
  • 動作與冒險, Kinect
  • Dolby Digital
Xbox Live



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全部 遊戲影片

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Rise of Nightmares E3 trailer
在 0 個評論中獲得 0/5 顆星
  • 30/6/2011
  • 48.14 MB
Introducing Rise of Nightmares™, a truly mature experience for Microsoft® Kinect. Survive one hellish night as you fight hand to hand against undead enemies and mad scientists using the hands-free controls of Microsoft Kinect. Using knives, chainsaws and your bare hands, rip your foes limb from limb while uncovering the location of your kidnapped wife.
Rise of Nightmares Welcome to the Nightmare Trailer
在 0 個評論中獲得 0/5 顆星
  • 30/6/2011
  • 63.65 MB
Welcome to the very first reveal of gameplay footage for Rise of Nightmares™, the truly mature experience for Microsoft Kinect. Use your whole body to fight the undead horde with physical brutality. Rise of Nightmares is an intensely immersive experience that brings horror to life like never before.
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