Vergil's Downfall

4.25 out of 5 stars from 823 reviews
This add-on works with:
  1. DmC
    4.25 out of 5 stars from 20527 reviews


Vergil's Downfall

Taking place directly after the events of DmC: Devil May Cry, play as Vergil in this brand new chapter in the series. Test your skills with new moves, combos, enemies and locations. Unlock new abilities and game modes, and watch the story unfold as dark and sinister secrets are revealed.

Vergil's Downfall
  • 3/6/2013
  • Ninja Theory
  • Capcom
  • Action & Adventure
  1. Vergil's Downfall
    4.25 out of 5 stars from 823 reviews
    • 3/6/2013
    • 1.86 GB
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    Taking place directly after the events of DmC: Devil May Cry, play as Vergil in this brand new chapter in the series. Test your skills with new moves, combos, enemies and locations. Unlock new abilities and game modes, and watch the story unfold as dark and sinister secrets are revealed.