Minecraft The Mars Anomaly trailer

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Ages 7+
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Minecraft The Mars Anomaly trailer

A strange distress call from Mars. Commander Shepard and crew arrive to find something seems out of place. Is this Cerberus again, or is there something even more creepy going on here? Mass Effect and Minecraft worlds merge into something completely new and unique.

Minecraft The Mars Anomaly trailer
  • 02/09/2013
  • Action & Adventure, Family, Strategy & Simulation
  1. Minecraft The Mars Anomaly trailer
    0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews
    • 02/09/2013
    • 79.71 MB
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    A strange distress call from Mars. Commander Shepard and crew arrive to find something seems out of place. Is this Cerberus again, or is there something even more creepy going on here? Mass Effect and Minecraft worlds merge into something completely new and unique.