Relics Triple Pack

0 z 5 hvězdiček z 0 recenzí
Věk 18+
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  1. 4,25 z 5 hvězdiček z 177 recenzí


Relics Triple Pack

This pack contains three relics: ‘Paolo’s Heart’ for turning souls into mana, ‘Wing of Furie’ to increase the hit counter on your scythe, and ‘Brain of Ruggieri’ to allow you to dodge-roll from any special combo. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see

Relics Triple Pack
  • 18.03.2010
  • Electronic Arts™
  • Electronic Arts™
  • Akční a dobrodružné
  1. Relics Triple Pack
    0 z 5 hvězdiček z 0 recenzí
    • 18.03.2010
    • 508 KB
    Zkopírujte tento odkaz a vložte ho do e-mailové nebo rychlé zprávy:
    This pack contains three relics: ‘Paolo’s Heart’ for turning souls into mana, ‘Wing of Furie’ to increase the hit counter on your scythe, and ‘Brain of Ruggieri’ to allow you to dodge-roll from any special combo. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see