"Behind the Lines" Documentary Trailer

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"Behind the Lines" Documentary Trailer

Get an incredible look into the making of Command & Conquer's epic cinematics in this 20-minute documentary. Includes exclusive interviews with the actors, cinematographers, and costume designers that brought the look and feel of the Tiberium Universe to life on your home theater screen. (English, Not Rated)

"Behind the Lines" Documentary Trailer
  • 01.05.2007
  • Electronic Arts Los Angeles
  • Electronic Arts
  • Strategie a simulátory
  1. "Behind the Lines" Documentary Trailer
    0 z 5 hvězdiček z 0 recenzí
    • 01.05.2007
    • 1,09 GB
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    Get an incredible look into the making of Command & Conquer's epic cinematics in this 20-minute documentary. Includes exclusive interviews with the actors, cinematographers, and costume designers that brought the look and feel of the Tiberium Universe to life on your home theater screen. (English, Not Rated)