Gears Of War

Gears Of War
4,25 z 5 hvězdiček z 363 recenzí
Věk 18+
Gears Of War

Tato hra podporuje angličtině, francouzštině, italštině, němčině, španělštině a čínštině. A Nightmare from Below. A Hero from Within.

Gears Of War
  • 18.01.2011
  • Epic Games, Inc.
  • Microsoft
  • Střílečka
Podrobnosti o hře
  • Systémový odkaz 1–2
  • Dolby Digital
Podrobnosti o online hře
  • Více hráčů online 2–8
  • Obsah ke stažení
  • Žebříčky
  • Hlasová konverzace
Xbox Live


Získávejte zde. Hrajte tam.

Nakupujte obsah pro Xbox na webu Konzole Xbox 360 obsah automaticky stáhne při příštím zapnutí a připojení ke službě Xbox Live.

  Více informací

Všechny Herní doplňky

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'Hidden Fronts' Multiplayer Map Pack 2
0 z 5 hvězdiček z 0 recenzí
  • 03.05.2007
  • 230,31 MB
Zkopírujte tento odkaz a vložte ho do e-mailové nebo rychlé zprávy:
Get ready to enhance your Gears of War multiplayer experience. Download the four new maps today, including: || Bullet Marsh: In this Kryll-infested swamp, an old generator still powers the area lights. A few stray bullets could easily knock out the generator, leaving players in the dark to fend for themselves against the hungry Kryll. || Garden: This overgrown and crumbling conservatory still has a working fertilization and pesticide system. This system can pose a serious health hazard to anyone who ventures into the greenhouse without first venting the air. || Process: Teams must fight for control of this subterranean Imulsion processing plant, still active despite the cessation of the Pendulum Wars. || Subway: Timgad’s Central Subway Station used to serve as a central hub for commuters. Now the tunnels are crawling with Locust. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see
Gears of War Multiplayer Map Pack 1 Brought to you by Discovery Channel
0 z 5 hvězdiček z 0 recenzí
  • 10.01.2007
  • 98,62 MB
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Discovery Channel FUTURE WEAPONS gives you Raven Down and Old Bones Raven Down: A Raven helicopter has gone down in the middle of a large-scale battle. Gears have taken out a Seeder, and forces are now moving into the crash site from all angles to find survivors. Old Bones: In an attempt to eradicate human culture, the Locust have emerged under Sera’s Capitaline Museums and have started destroying them brick by brick.
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