Forza Horizon SmartGlass Experience

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Forza Horizon SmartGlass Experience

Explore and interact with the complete map of the Forza Horizon game world through intuitive gestures on your tablet or mobile device while seamlessly playing the game on your TV screen. No pausing required. Keep the pedal down, no matter where your next driving destination lies.

Forza Horizon SmartGlass Experience
  • 22-10-2012
  • Playground Games
  • Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Studios
  • Andet
  1. Forza Horizon SmartGlass Experience
    0 ud af 5 stjerner fra 0 anmeldelser
    • 22-10-2012
    • 44 KB
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    Explore and interact with the complete map of the Forza Horizon game world through intuitive gestures on your tablet or mobile device while seamlessly playing the game on your TV screen. No pausing required. Keep the pedal down, no matter where your next driving destination lies.
    Gratis Få på Xbox SmartGlass