Sleeping Dogs Gameplay Highlight: Combat

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Sleeping Dogs Gameplay Highlight: Combat

In the tradition of Hong Kong cinema action, Wei Shen is an expert martial artist. Using the wide arsenal of moves at his disposal, Wei uses his skills to dispatch some of the Triad’s toughest goons. Driven by the need to complete his mission, Wei will not hesitate to take care of his enemies in the most brutal ways using weapons and environmental takedowns.

Sleeping Dogs Gameplay Highlight: Combat
  • 23-05-2012
  • United Front Games
  • Square Enix
  • Action og eventyr
  1. Sleeping Dogs Gameplay Highlight: Combat
    0 ud af 5 stjerner fra 0 anmeldelser
    • 23-05-2012
    • 91,45 MB
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    In the tradition of Hong Kong cinema action, Wei Shen is an expert martial artist. Using the wide arsenal of moves at his disposal, Wei uses his skills to dispatch some of the Triad’s toughest goons. Driven by the need to complete his mission, Wei will not hesitate to take care of his enemies in the most brutal ways using weapons and environmental takedowns.