Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, “How to” trailer

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Fra 18 år
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Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, “How to” trailer

Find out more about the unique and immersive controls for Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor for the Kinect(TM) in the 'How To' trailer. It provides a guide for players new to the dual control system and shows how to get the best out of your crew and your Vertical Tank before you head into battle!

Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, “How to” trailer
  • 15-06-2012
  • From Software Inc.
  • Action og eventyr, Kinect
  1. Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, “How to” trailer
    0 ud af 5 stjerner fra 0 anmeldelser
    • 15-06-2012
    • 74,50 MB
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    Find out more about the unique and immersive controls for Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor for the Kinect(TM) in the 'How To' trailer. It provides a guide for players new to the dual control system and shows how to get the best out of your crew and your Vertical Tank before you head into battle!