Official Trailer (HD)

4 out of 5 stars from 45 reviews
T (Teen)
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  1. 4 out of 5 stars from 26448 reviews


Official Trailer (HD)

In the year 2024 high tech warfare is waged over depleting global resources and the fate of civilization. Battle with up to 32 players on Kaos dedicated servers utilizing over 60 next-generation weapons and vehicles in open-world environments. The War of the Future Begins Today. Visit to find out more about Frontlines: Fuel of War.

Official Trailer (HD)
  • 2/28/2008
  • Kaos Studios
  • THQ
  • Shooter
  1. Official Trailer (HD)
    4 out of 5 stars from 45 reviews
    • 2/28/2008
    • 58.40 MB
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    In the year 2024 high tech warfare is waged over depleting global resources and the fate of civilization. Battle with up to 32 players on Kaos dedicated servers utilizing over 60 next-generation weapons and vehicles in open-world environments. The War of the Future Begins Today. Visit to find out more about Frontlines: Fuel of War.