Compatibility Pack

0/5 tähteä 0 arvion perusteella
Yli 18-vuotiaille
Tämä lisäosa toimii seuraavien kanssa:
  1. 4,25/5 tähteä 85 arvion perusteella


Compatibility Pack

Please download this FREE compatibility pack to allow for co-op play. without this pack there may be differences in the Host & Co-op players game due to Addon releases, so all users are encouraged to download this pack before attempting co-op play. If you are experiencing issues with co-op, please redownload this pack and have all other players do so as well.

Compatibility Pack
  • 24.3.2015
  • Gearbox Software
  • 2K
  • Roolipelit, Räiskintä
  1. Compatibility Pack
    0/5 tähteä 0 arvion perusteella
    • 24.3.2015
    • 636,53 MB
    Kopioi tämä linkki ja liitä se sähköpostiin tai pikaviestiin:
    Please download this FREE compatibility pack to allow for co-op play. without this pack there may be differences in the Host & Co-op players game due to Addon releases, so all users are encouraged to download this pack before attempting co-op play. If you are experiencing issues with co-op, please redownload this pack and have all other players do so as well.