Just Cause 2 Demo Out Now Trailer (HD)

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Yli 18-vuotiaille
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Just Cause 2 Demo Out Now Trailer (HD)

Featuring a massive 35 square miles of true sandbox fun - a vast expanse of stunning, sun-scorched desert packed with towns, villages, military installations, mountain ranges, missions and more. Hunt down and assassinate one of the game’s 50 military colonels; devastate military bases, bio fuel chambers, government infrastructure and that’s just for starters. Hijack tuk tuks, military 4x4s, mopeds, helicopter gunships, light aircraft, mini vans and countless other military and civilian vehicles; test out your BASE jumping skills freefalling from desert outcrops or from burning planes at 20,000 feet; and try your hands at a full, multi-stage mission, assaulting a government radar facility culminating in an unforgettable desert car chase. (Englanti, ei arvioitu)

Just Cause 2 Demo Out Now Trailer (HD)
  • 1.4.2010
  • Avalanche Studios
  • Square Enix
  • Toiminta ja seikkailu
  1. Just Cause 2 Demo Out Now Trailer (HD)
    0/5 tähteä 0 arvion perusteella
    • 1.4.2010
    • 90,18 MB
    Kopioi tämä linkki ja liitä se sähköpostiin tai pikaviestiin:
    Featuring a massive 35 square miles of true sandbox fun - a vast expanse of stunning, sun-scorched desert packed with towns, villages, military installations, mountain ranges, missions and more. Hunt down and assassinate one of the game’s 50 military colonels; devastate military bases, bio fuel chambers, government infrastructure and that’s just for starters. Hijack tuk tuks, military 4x4s, mopeds, helicopter gunships, light aircraft, mini vans and countless other military and civilian vehicles; test out your BASE jumping skills freefalling from desert outcrops or from burning planes at 20,000 feet; and try your hands at a full, multi-stage mission, assaulting a government radar facility culminating in an unforgettable desert car chase. (Englanti, ei arvioitu)