Liars and Cheats Pack Trailer

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Liars and Cheats Pack Trailer

The Liars and Cheats Pack Trailer shows off the huge array of new content featured in the Liars and Cheats Pack for Red Dead Redemption, including Multiplayer Poker, Liar's Dice, Horseracing with combat, the new Competitive Multiplayer mode Stronghold - and the very first glimpse of the devastatingly destructive Explosive Rifle.

Liars and Cheats Pack Trailer
  • 21.9.2010
  • Rockstar San Diego
  • Rockstar Games
  • Toiminta ja seikkailu, Räiskintä
  1. Liars and Cheats Pack Trailer
    0/5 tähteä 0 arvion perusteella
    • 21.9.2010
    • 103,53 MB
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    The Liars and Cheats Pack Trailer shows off the huge array of new content featured in the Liars and Cheats Pack for Red Dead Redemption, including Multiplayer Poker, Liar's Dice, Horseracing with combat, the new Competitive Multiplayer mode Stronghold - and the very first glimpse of the devastatingly destructive Explosive Rifle.