de Blob 2 (2014)

de Blob 2 (2014)
4 sur 5 étoiles pour 1756 critiques
de Blob 2 (2014)

Langue(s) prise(s) en charge par la version Jeux à la demande : anglais, français, italien, allemand, espagnol. Blob's origins are mysterious, but he rolled up at the right place and the right time to be the hero that the Color Underground was looking for. Music surrounds him and color energy flows through him; with his touch Blob can literally make the world a better place. Blob represents individuality and determination. Blob is good hearted but lazy. He is often late, but he always comes through.

de Blob 2 (2014)
  • 2014-12-12
  • Bluetongue Entertainment
  • THQ Inc.
  • Action et Aventure, Plateformes
  • Joueurs hors connexion 1 - 2
  • Dolby Digital
Xbox Live


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de Blob 2 (2014)
4 sur 5 étoiles pour 1756 critiques
  • 2014-12-12
  • 5,94 GB
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Langue(s) prise(s) en charge par la version Jeux à la demande : anglais, français, italien, allemand, espagnol. Blob's origins are mysterious, but he rolled up at the right place and the right time to be the hero that the Color Underground was looking for. Music surrounds him and color energy flows through him; with his touch Blob can literally make the world a better place. Blob represents individuality and determination. Blob is good hearted but lazy. He is often late, but he always comes through.
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