Battlefield 4™ Dragon's Teeth Official Trailer

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Battlefield 4™ Dragon's Teeth Official Trailer

This trailer shows Battlefield 4™ Dragon’s Teeth with urban combat across Asian cities in four all-new multiplayer maps. Wreak havoc in a floating restaurant or drain the lake opening up for a frontal vehicle assault, all while the battle rages between the modern high rises of Sunken Dragon. Fight among the huge monuments of despots in the grey concrete Propaganda. Wage wars within the bustling alleyways and upon the rooftops of Pearl Market. Cruise with fast-moving PWC’s on the canals in the pristine park to get the upper hand in the blazing infantry battle of Lumphini Garden. Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth also includes five new weapons, the Ballistic shield, the controllable unmanned ground vehicle R.A.W.R., ten assignments and the new game mode Chain Link, where you create chains by linking together capture points to win the battle.

Battlefield 4™ Dragon's Teeth Official Trailer
  • 2014. 07. 28.
  • Lövöldözős
  1. Battlefield 4™ Dragon's Teeth Official Trailer
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2014. 07. 28.
    • 91,70 MB
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    This trailer shows Battlefield 4™ Dragon’s Teeth with urban combat across Asian cities in four all-new multiplayer maps. Wreak havoc in a floating restaurant or drain the lake opening up for a frontal vehicle assault, all while the battle rages between the modern high rises of Sunken Dragon. Fight among the huge monuments of despots in the grey concrete Propaganda. Wage wars within the bustling alleyways and upon the rooftops of Pearl Market. Cruise with fast-moving PWC’s on the canals in the pristine park to get the upper hand in the blazing infantry battle of Lumphini Garden. Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth also includes five new weapons, the Ballistic shield, the controllable unmanned ground vehicle R.A.W.R., ten assignments and the new game mode Chain Link, where you create chains by linking together capture points to win the battle.