Meet the Soldier (Team Fortress® 2) Trailer

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    2008. 01. 01.

Meet the Soldier (Team Fortress® 2) Trailer

Meet the Soldier, one of nine playable character classes in Team Fortress® 2 (TF2). The online multiplayer game from Valve is part of The Orange Box, which also features Half-Life® 2: Episode Two and Portal™. (Not Rated)

Meet the Soldier (Team Fortress® 2) Trailer
  • 2007. 08. 24.
  • Valve Software
  • Valve
  • Akció és kaland, Lövöldözős, Fejtörő és műveltségi
  1. Meet the Soldier (Team Fortress® 2) Trailer
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2007. 08. 24.
    • 56,92 MB
    Másold ezt a hivatkozást, és illeszd be egy e-mailbe vagy egy csevegőüzenetbe:
    Meet the Soldier, one of nine playable character classes in Team Fortress® 2 (TF2). The online multiplayer game from Valve is part of The Orange Box, which also features Half-Life® 2: Episode Two and Portal™. (Not Rated)