RE: Revelations - Second Trailer

5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
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  1. 5-ből 4 csillag, 89 vélemény alapján

    2013. 08. 09.

RE: Revelations - Second Trailer

The second trailer for Resident Evil: Revelations. The story is set during the time before the Kijuju and Lanshiang bioterror incidents, when the BSAA was still a young organization. Join Jill Valentine aboard a ghost ship in the Mediterranean Sea searching for her old partner, Chris Redfield. Can you solve the mystery of the ship and make it out alive?

RE: Revelations - Second Trailer
  • 2013. 05. 28.
  • Akció és kaland
  1. RE: Revelations - Second Trailer
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2013. 05. 28.
    • 76,14 MB
    Másold ezt a hivatkozást, és illeszd be egy e-mailbe vagy egy csevegőüzenetbe:
    The second trailer for Resident Evil: Revelations. The story is set during the time before the Kijuju and Lanshiang bioterror incidents, when the BSAA was still a young organization. Join Jill Valentine aboard a ghost ship in the Mediterranean Sea searching for her old partner, Chris Redfield. Can you solve the mystery of the ship and make it out alive?