Rise of Nightmares E3 trailer

5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
18 év fölött
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    2013. 07. 09.

Rise of Nightmares E3 trailer

Introducing Rise of Nightmares™, a truly mature experience for Microsoft® Kinect. Survive one hellish night as you fight hand to hand against undead enemies and mad scientists using the hands-free controls of Microsoft Kinect. Using knives, chainsaws and your bare hands, rip your foes limb from limb while uncovering the location of your kidnapped wife.

Rise of Nightmares E3 trailer
  • 2011. 06. 07.
  • SEGA
  • SEGA
  • Egyéb, Akció és kaland, Kinect
  1. Rise of Nightmares E3 trailer
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2011. 06. 07.
    • 51,31 MB
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    Introducing Rise of Nightmares™, a truly mature experience for Microsoft® Kinect. Survive one hellish night as you fight hand to hand against undead enemies and mad scientists using the hands-free controls of Microsoft Kinect. Using knives, chainsaws and your bare hands, rip your foes limb from limb while uncovering the location of your kidnapped wife.