Slender: The Arrival Trailer

5-ből 5 csillag, 10 vélemény alapján
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    2014. 09. 24.

Slender: The Arrival Trailer

You're on your own. No one to come for you. No one to help you. No one to hear you scream. Slender: The Arrival is the official video game adaptation of Slender Man, re-created from Mark Hadley's original nerve-shattering sensation. Developed in collaboration with Blue Isle Studios, The Arrival features a brand new storyline, improved visuals, great replay value, and most importantly, survival horror at its best.

Slender: The Arrival Trailer
  • 2014. 09. 10.
  • Blue Isle
  • Midnight City
  • Akció és kaland
  1. Slender: The Arrival Trailer
    5-ből 5 csillag, 10 vélemény alapján
    • 2014. 09. 10.
    • 97,54 MB
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    You're on your own. No one to come for you. No one to help you. No one to hear you scream. Slender: The Arrival is the official video game adaptation of Slender Man, re-created from Mark Hadley's original nerve-shattering sensation. Developed in collaboration with Blue Isle Studios, The Arrival features a brand new storyline, improved visuals, great replay value, and most importantly, survival horror at its best.