The Executioner

5-ből 4,5 csillag, 21 vélemény alapján
18 év fölött
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  1. 5-ből 4,25 csillag, 154 vélemény alapján

    2014. 10. 14.

The Executioner

If you purchased The Evil Within Season Pass, DO NOT purchase this content here as you will be charged again. Experience firsthand the powerful force that is The Keeper in The Evil Within: The Executioner. This third and final add-on for The Evil Within places players in a series of battle arenas all from the first-person perspective of The Keeper. Initially armed with The Keeper’s signature hammer, players will fight against a host of The Evil Within’s iconic villains to earn new weapons and upgrades. Set in the Manor House of the Victoriano Estate, The Executioner features first-person melee combat combined with exploration and discovery as players unearth the story of a man forced to become The Keeper.

The Executioner
  • 2015. 05. 26.
  • Tango Gameworks
  • Bethesda Softworks
  • Akció és kaland
  1. The Executioner
    5-ből 4,5 csillag, 21 vélemény alapján
    • 2015. 05. 26.
    • 647,28 MB
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    If you purchased The Evil Within Season Pass, DO NOT purchase this content here as you will be charged again. Experience firsthand the powerful force that is The Keeper in The Evil Within: The Executioner. This third and final add-on for The Evil Within places players in a series of battle arenas all from the first-person perspective of The Keeper. Initially armed with The Keeper’s signature hammer, players will fight against a host of The Evil Within’s iconic villains to earn new weapons and upgrades. Set in the Manor House of the Victoriano Estate, The Executioner features first-person melee combat combined with exploration and discovery as players unearth the story of a man forced to become The Keeper.