Alien Rage

Alien Rage
5-ből 4 csillag, 35 vélemény alapján
18 év fölött
Alien Rage

Unleash a fury of powerful weapons as you blast your way through armies of Alien forces hell-bent on taking you down! Battle through 14 intense levels and prepare to face a barrage of beastly-sized bosses that will test your every skill. Each of your 10 weapons comes with two firing modes and you’ll need all of them! Battle hardened Alien forces will come at you hard and from every direction using various flanking and attack moves. Built with powerful up-to-date graphics technology, awesome physics, destructible environments… experience a truly intense, old-school styled shooter game!

Alien Rage
  • 2013. 10. 18.
  • CI Games
  • CI Games
  • Lövöldözős
  • Offline játékosok: 1
  • Dolby Digital
Online szolgáltatások
  • Letölthető tartalom
  • Ranglisták
Xbox Live


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Az összes Letöltések

1–3., összesen: 3
Alien Rage
5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
  • 2013. 12. 03.
  • 45,48 MB
Másold ezt a hivatkozást, és illeszd be egy e-mailbe vagy egy csevegőüzenetbe:
Unleash a fury of powerful weapons as you blast your way through armies of Alien forces hell-bent on taking you down! Use your 10 powerful weapons each with 2 firing modes to fight tons of beastly-sized bosses through 14 levels of madness as relentless battle-hardened Alien forces attack you from every direction. Developed using the latest graphics technology with awesome physics and HD visuals.
A játék próbaverziója - Alien Rage
  • 2013. 10. 18.
  • 1,71 GB
Másold ezt a hivatkozást, és illeszd be egy e-mailbe vagy egy csevegőüzenetbe:
Unleash a fury of powerful weapons as you blast your way through armies of Alien forces hell-bent on taking you down! Battle through 14 intense levels and prepare to face a barrage of beastly-sized bosses that will test your every skill. Each of your 10 weapons comes with two firing modes and you’ll need all of them! Battle hardened Alien forces will come at you hard and from every direction using various flanking and attack moves. Built with powerful up-to-date graphics technology, awesome physics, destructible environments… experience a truly intense, old-school styled shooter game!
Teljes játék - Alien Rage
5-ből 4 csillag, 35 vélemény alapján
  • 2013. 10. 18.
  • 1,71 GB
Másold ezt a hivatkozást, és illeszd be egy e-mailbe vagy egy csevegőüzenetbe:
Unleash a fury of powerful weapons as you blast your way through armies of Alien forces hell-bent on taking you down! Battle through 14 intense levels and prepare to face a barrage of beastly-sized bosses that will test your every skill. Each of your 10 weapons comes with two firing modes and you’ll need all of them! Battle hardened Alien forces will come at you hard and from every direction using various flanking and attack moves. Built with powerful up-to-date graphics technology, awesome physics, destructible environments… experience a truly intense, old-school styled shooter game!
1–3., összesen: 3