Disney Universe Jungle Book Costume Pack

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    2012. 07. 31.

Disney Universe Jungle Book Costume Pack

Suit up as some of your favorite characters from Disney’s The Jungle Book. Costumes include the adventurous Mowgli, Shere Khan, King Louie, Bagheera and Baby Elephant—each with its own upgradeable tool. Available for purchase on the Xbox Live® online entertainment network and the PlayStation® Network.

Disney Universe Jungle Book Costume Pack
  • 2012. 01. 17.
  • Eurocom
  • Disney Interactive Studios
  • Akció és kaland
  1. Disney Universe Jungle Book Costume Pack
    5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
    • 2012. 01. 17.
    • 7,01 MB
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    Suit up as some of your favorite characters from Disney’s The Jungle Book. Costumes include the adventurous Mowgli, Shere Khan, King Louie, Bagheera and Baby Elephant—each with its own upgradeable tool. Available for purchase on the Xbox Live® online entertainment network and the PlayStation® Network.