
5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
3 év fölött

Unlock the full game to offer your assistance in Professor Ivor Question's Encleverment Experiment! He's looking for people just like you to play his 16 exciting minigames, collect 60 available Mascots and create new challenges in his Home-made Game editor! Featuring support for the Big Button Controller and Live Vision Camera, the Encleverment Experiment also includes full Avatar support and LIVE play for up to four players! Unlock the full game now and massage those mental muscles! There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts.

  • 2009. 11. 11.
  • Blitz Arcade
  • Microsoft Studios
  • Családi, Oktató
  • Dolby Digital
Online szolgáltatások
  • Online többszereplős játék: 2–4
  • Letölthető tartalom
  • Ranglisták
  • Hangalapú beszélgetés
Xbox Live


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Az összes Játékok

1–1., összesen: 1
Teljes játék - Encleverment Experiment
5-ből 0 csillag, 0 vélemény alapján
  • 2009. 11. 11.
  • 454,79 MB
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Unlock the full game to offer your assistance in Professor Ivor Question's Encleverment Experiment! He's looking for people just like you to play his 16 exciting minigames, collect 60 available Mascots and create new challenges in his Home-made Game editor! Featuring support for the Big Button Controller and Live Vision Camera, the Encleverment Experiment also includes full Avatar support and LIVE play for up to four players! Unlock the full game now and massage those mental muscles! There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts.
1–1., összesen: 1